Prof. Romuald Tarczewski, DSc, PhD, Eng
Unit: Faculty of Architecture » Department of Public Architecture, Basics of Design and Environmental Development
ul. B. Prusa 53/55, 50-317 Wrocław
building E-1, room 203
secretariat phone +48 71 320 6460
Consultations in the summer semester 2024/25 – room 203, building E-1:
• Tuesday 12:15 – 14:15
In special situations: online consultations – after prior arrangement by e-mail: Zoom, meeting ID 7287714547.
Consultation during the exam session and the vacations – by individual appointment.
Tutor of the Students' Structural Research Group InStructA
Research interests:
- employment of construction systems in shaping forms of contemporary architecture
- structural topology
- membrane and pneumatic structures
- shell and spatial structures
- management of information exchange in the investment process (BIM)
- structures in historical buildings and monument protection
- over 35 years of design practice, experience in managing construction sites and large design teams
- several dozen completed construction projects in public utility, industrial, housing, and monument protection (including award-winning ones)
- intensive international cooperation (inter-university, projects, activities in associations)
- about one hundred and forty publications
- IASS - International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures: member of the Executive Council and Advisory Board, chairman of the Y. Tsuboi Award Committee, co-chairman of the IASS Website Committee, co-chairman of Working Group 17 Historical Spatial Structures
- ISCARSAH - International Scientific Committee for the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (founded by ICOMOS)
- SEWC - Structural Engineers World Congress: member of the Worldwide Board
- TensiNet: member of the Working Group Pneumatic Structures
Selected publications:
books and chapters in monographs:
- R. Tarczewski, Konstruowanie architektury. Uwagi o materializacji formy architektonicznej, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2019, ISBN 978-83-7493-075-8
- R. Tarczewski, Topologia from strukturalnych, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2011, ISBN 978-83-7493-660-6
- R. Tarczewski R. Construction of a shelter over church SWN.B.V., In: Godlewski W., Dzierzbicka D, Łajtar A. (eds) Dongola 2015-2016: fieldwork, conservation and site management. Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archeology University of Warsaw, Warszawa 2018. p. 139-146. ISBN: 978-83-235-3479-2, (PCMA Excavation Series, ISSN 2449-7274; 5).
journal papers:
- R. Tarczewski, Formation of sustainable infrastructure using microbial methods and humanization of man-made environment, Procedia Manufacturing 2015, vol. 3, s. 1704-1711, ISSN: 2351-9789
- R. Tarczewski, R. Motro, The beauty of technical thought in architecture – the lifework of Stéphane Du Chateau, International Journal of Space Structures. 2015, vol. 30, nr 3/4, s. 203-220, ISSN: 0266-3511
- J. Jabłońska, E. Trocka-Leszczyńska, R. Tarczewski, Sound and architecture – mutual influence, Energy Procedia 2015, vol. 78, s. 31-36, ISSN: 1876-6102