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Faculty of Architecture

Erasmus +

Szanowni Państwo,

zapraszam na spotkanie na platformie Zoom osoby zainteresowane jesienną rekrutacją na wymianę studencką z programu Erasmus+. Spotkanie zaplanowane jest na poniedziałek (07.10.2024, na godz. 18.30)

Załączam link do spotkania na zoomie:  link do spotkania

Oraz link do formularza rekrytacyjnego do programu Erasmus + : Formularz rekrutacyjny

W razie dodatkowych pytań lub problemów technicznych proszę pisać na Teamsie lub kontaktować się ze mna mailowo:

(outgoing students):
dr. inż. arch. Zuzanna Napieralska


Vice-coordinator (incoming students):

Grażyna Hryncewicz-Lamber Ph.D.

Information for the academic year 2021/22

List of the courses for the winter and summer semester 2021/22

course list

Transcript of Records
All Erasmus+ and Exchange students leaving after the winter semester, your “Transcripts of Records” will be printed in the Dean’s Office, stamped by me or by Dean Czajka (when I am absent) and forwarded to the International Office. International Office will send your ToRs, in scanned and in paper form, to your Universities. This a centralized procedure, we do not issue the ToRs individually. Your ToR can be printed only after all the grades are in the system. Please forward all inquiries regarding ToRs to International Office

Deaparture Chart

All Erasmus+ and Exchange students leaving after the winter semester, please fill and stamp “Departure Chart”. The chart has to be stamped in the Dean’s Office, in Library, and in the Dormitory. Erasmus coordinator does not stamp the “Departure Chart”. Please contact the International Affairs Office for the information considering the “Departure Chart”.

Departue chart: link

Please observe the regulation in the procedure of changing you LA. 

Please remember, that every change has to be notified in the system, otherwise the non-attended courses would be registered as failed ones and put to you Transcript of Records. 


If you are planning to come for a winter semester, please do not choose the courses from the summer semester. Summer semester courses are not available in winter and vice versa. Bachelor students can choose single courses from the offer for master students and vice versa! In any doubt, please contact the Coordinator!

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