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Faculty of Architecture

Classes from 25/05/2020

Date: 19.05.2020 Category: All

Wrocław 18.05.2020r.


Respected Students,

In connection with numerous ambiguities regarding the conduct of teaching classes from 25/05/2020, we would like to inform you that at the Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology does not intend to return to classes in the stationary system in the Summer Semester of the academic year 2019/20. We continue all classes in the remote system until the end of the semester, including credits and exams, in accordance with the academic calendar and arrangements regarding the deadlines given to students at the beginning of the semester.

In connection with the report forwarded by the heads of individual departments about the full implementation of classes in the remote system, it is not intended to extend the deadlines to September 25, 2020.


They are only allowed diploma consultations – in exceptional situations, which is decided by the promoter of the diploma thesis in consultation with the student – conducted on a stationary basis, in compliance with all epidemiological regimes. Please inform the faculty authorities about the willingness and dates of conducting stationary consultations in advance.

With Respects,

Prof.dr hab. Elżbieta Trocka-Leszczyńska                          Dr. inż. arch. Roman Czajka

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