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Faculty of Architecture


Date: 07.10.2020 Category: All

Dear friends, teachers, architects, students.

It is a great honor to announce that the early birds registration for 6th annual INSPIRELI AWARDS has already started. Please inform students, classmates in your countries, universities, and ateliers.

Important news in the 6th year

  • As part of the INSPIRELI COMPETITION, we are preparing a proposal for a new STU campus in Bratislava(we will send an assignment within a week)
  • We are launching a new INSPIRELI EDUCATION service, where every student who uploads their project to the INSPIRELI AWARDS will have the opportunity to request feedback on their competition project from the judge and 3D visualization specialists and will be able to complete the recommended expert advice.
  • The INSPIRELI AWARDS ceremonywill take place live on October 15 from 15:00 Central European Time.

I am proud that we are in touch and we are looking forward to see your projects.

Karel Smejkal President of the INSPIRELI AWARDS

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025

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