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Faculty of Architecture

Agnieszka Tomaszewicz, DSc, PhD, Eng, Arch


Unit: Faculty of Architecture » Department of Architecture Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Landscape

ul. B. Prusa 53/55, 50-317 Wrocław
building E-1, room 203
phone +48 71 320 6237
secretariat phone +48 71 320 6231

ORCID: 0000-0003-0453-8740

Main fields of scientific interest:

  • history and theory of architecture and urban planning in 19th and 20th century,
  • cities and construction development in the 1950s and 1960s,
  • socialist realism (art, architecture, urban planning, society),
  • architecture and politics.

Professional practice:

  • architectural designs, conservations projects for the renovation/restauration/extencion of the historical buildings (i.a.: pre-war villas, spa/bath buildings, a few houses of the WuWA estate in Wrocław - in cooperation with Jadwiga Urbanik);
  • historical and conservation studies, i.a.: Historical and conservation study of Wrocław, prepared in cooperation with Joanna Majczyk for a new edition of the Study of conditions and directions of spatial management of the city Wrocław (resolution 2018, Jan.11th), commissioned by the Municipal Office in Wrocław;
  • grants managing (KBN no 8 T07F 02621, MNiSW no N N527 436536) and participation in research projects ( Functional analysis of Wrocław housing estates);
  • member of the Municipal Urban Planning and Architecture Commission, advisory team of the Mayor of Wrocław (2015-2018).


  • since 2013 - Lower Silesian Regional Chamber of Architects,
  • since 2018 - Polish Academy of Science, Wrocław Department, Commission of Architecture and Town Planning, Section of History of Architecture and Monuments' Protection.

Selected publications:


A. Tomaszewicz, Wrocławskie wille doby historyzmu [Villas and Villa Estates in Wrocław in the Era of Historicism], Wrocław 2019, ISBN 978-83-7493-057-4 [Wrocławskie wille]

J. Majczyk, A. Tomaszewicz, Anna i Jerzy Tarnawscy, seria: "Wrocławscy Mistrzowie Architektury", Wrocław 2016, ISBN 978-83-938364-1-3 [Anna i Jerzy Tarnawscy];

A. Tomaszewicz, Wrocławski dom czynszowy [Tenement Houses in Wrocław], Wrocław 2003, ISBN 83-88649-52-3;

upcoming: a book under the working title: "Architects under the Paragraph" on the attitude of architects towards the so-called "Aryan paragraph" in the 1930s in Poland (in cooperation with J. Majczyk);


A. Tomaszewicz, A. Czajczyńska, Concepts for the Transformation of Pre-war Tenement House Complexes between 1945 and 1975: Oder Suburb in Wrocław, „Wiadomości Konserwatorskie – Journal of Heritage Conservation” 2023, nr 76, s. 32-48 [Przedmieście Odrzańskie]

A. Tomaszewicz, J. Majczyk, From Breslau to Wrocław. Urban development of the largest city of the Polish “Regained Lands” under socialism, [in:] “Urban planning during socialism”, ed. Jasna Mariotti, Kadri Leetmaa, Routledge, London 2023, s. 31-49 [From Breslau]

A. Tomaszewicz, J. Majczyk, Pioneers. Polish modernist female architects. The centre and peripheries, 17th International Docomomo Conference. Modern design: Social Commitment & Quality of Life, 2022 [Female architects]

A. Tomaszewicz, Sculpture in Socialist Realism — Soviet Patterns and the Polish Reality, "Arts" 2022, 11(1), 6 [Sculpture];

A. Tomaszewicz, J. Majczyk, In a Time Loop: Politics and the Ideological Significance of Monuments to Those Who Perished on Saint Anne Mountain (1934-1955, Germany/Poland), "Arts" 2021, 10(1), 17 [In a Time Loop];

A. Tomaszewicz, J. Majczyk, Town planning and socialist realism: New Academic District in Wroclaw (Poland) - unfinished projects from the 1950s., „Planning Perspectives. An international journal of history, planning and the environment” 2019, 34(7), Routledge [Town planning];

J. Majczyk, A. Tomaszewicz, Monuments in the public space of Wrocław in the years 1945–1956, „Wiadomości Konserwatorskie – Journal of Heritage Conservation” 2019, nr 58, s. 91-103 [Monuments];

J. Majczyk, A. Tomaszewicz, Just after Socialist Realism. Architecture and urban planning in Wrocław in the late 1950s and early 1960s, „Wiadomości Konserwatorskie – Journal of Heritage Conservation” 2017, nr 49, s. 181-190 [Just after Socialist Realism];

J. Majczyk, A. Tomaszewicz, Anna Ptaszycka. Harcerka, architektka, urbanistka, seria: „Architektura jest najważniejsza”, t. VI: Pionierki, EMG, Kraków 2019, s. 13-45 [Anna Ptaszycka];

J. Majczyk, A. Tomaszewicz, Aleja Profesorów (Avenue of Professors) in the main campus of Wrocław University of Technology – history of the spatial system development, "Architectus" 2015, nr 1(41), s. 69-86 [Avenue of Professors];

A. Tomaszewicz, Carl Lüdecke and dwelling-houses in Wrocław, "Architectus" 2015, nr 2(42), s. 7-18 [Carl Lüdecke];

A. Tomaszewicz, E. Trocka-Leszczyńska, The urban transformations of the health resort in Lądek Zdrój before 1945, "Architectus" 2012, nr 1, s. 43-52 [The urban transformations];

A. Tomaszewicz, E. Trocka-Leszczyńska, Discussion Around Situating High-Rises in the Structure of Contemporary Wroclaw, "Czasopismo Techniczne", Architektura 2008, z. 6-A, s. 171-177 [Discussion];

editorial work:

Leksykon Architektury Wrocławia [Lexicon of Wrocław Architecture], red.: R. Eysymontt, J. Ilkosz, A. Tomaszewicz, J. Urbanik, Via Nova, Wrocław 2011, ISBN 978-83-60544-89-1.

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025

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