Wydział Architektury

Warsztaty Magic Folds 2024

Data: 03.04.2024

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Dzięki uprzejmości Organizatorów, studenci Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Wrocławskiej otrzymali możliwość uczestniczenia w międzynarodowych warsztatach „Magic Folds 2024”, które odbędą się w dniach 17.06 – 14.07. 2024 w na Southeast University w Nankinie.

Informacja o warsztatach od organizatorów:


Magic Fold 2024 allows students to explore novel origami and kirigami structures, and the applications in civil engineering, architectural engineering, aerospace engineering, flexible electronics, medical devices, and robotics. The activities involve cultural/technical visits, invited lectures, hands-on teaching, real-time interaction and discussions.
Each activity has been especially designed to make the most of hybrid (online and in-person) resources and activities, and deliver the academically rigorous experience.
In the first two weeks, several site visits, as well as in-person and online lectures will be organised. Well-known international scholars, such as Prof. Zhong You from the University of Oxford, Prof Glaucio H Paulino from Princeton University and Prof. Seung Deog Kim from Semyung University will discuss the latest development in the field.
In the latter two weeks, a task will be given for the student groups mixed from different universities.


Magic Folds 2024 will be taught in English. The in-person sessions will take place at the Schools of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Southeast University (SEU).

17 June - 14 July, 2024

Time: Sessions will usually take place on Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 12:00 and 14:30-17:00 Beijing Time


We welcome undergraduates, graduates, doctor-candidates, post-doctors and young scholars from worldwide universities and institutions.
Good level of English language is necessary.
Southeast University will also provide student accommodation for free, see the following picture.


Organizatorzy zapewniają bezpłatne uczestnictwo w warsztatach i zakwaterowanie. Uczestnicy z Polski muszą zapewnić we własnym zakresie:

przelot do i z Nankinu
wizę chińską
wyżywienie (ok. 20 USD za trzy posiłki dziennie)

Możliwe jest uczestnictwo w warsztatach w ograniczonym zakresie (mniej niż 4 tygodnie).
Dodatkowa informacja od Organizatorów na temat kosztów pobytu:


1. The above program does not cover the living expenses and catering expenses.
2. Participants will receive a confirmation letter after registration which could be used to support a visa application.
3. The catering expenses are 150 RMB (circa 20 USD) per day. The average cost for bus/subway is 20 RMB (2.79 USD) per day across the city. Taxi will be a more expensive, that is 11 RMB/3 km with a 11 RMB starting fare. Normally, the average price for the taxi will be 20-30 RMB around the campus.


Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w warsztatach mogą zgłaszać się do 15 kwietnia 2024 do Wydziałowego Koordynatora ds. programu Erasmus, prof. Krzysztofa Cebrata, na adres mailowy: krzysztof.cebrat@pwr.edu.pl

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